4 weeks. 4 veg boxes. Unearth the benefits. Find out more

About Us


Our Impact

Our purpose is to nurture relationships with the land, food and wildlife through our organic, community farm. Here’s a snapshot of our most recent impact statistics, taken from across The Farm. Find out more in our annual report.

If you are interested in supporting The Farm, we would encourage you to visit our Support Us page to see all the ways you can contribute.

Farming our land 

1,900 volunteer days worked to help us grow our crops last year

88% learned about organic food and farming through their time with us


Food retail 

600+ local households benefit from our organic produce every week 

40+  South West growers sold through us last year

40  local households benefit from discounted organic produce every month, supported by The Community Fund

200 organic Christmas hampers donated to families across Bristol each year


Communities programme

1,700+ local people visited the farm last year

100%  of wellbeing course attendees agreed that they had improved their skills, confidence, sense of community and knowledge



155% increase in bumblebee numbers since 2020

21 different butterfly species call our margins and hedgerows home


COMMUNications, People & FINANCE

1,900+ people read our newsletter about food and farming each month

36 people are employed by The Farm, all at the National Living Wage or above

£0 profit. We are a not-for-profit organisation and all of our income goes towards paying producers a fair price; investing in our land and wildlife; and welcoming people from the community.

Farm from above