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About Us


What a year!

Thank you for continuing to support us

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us this year. It’s been an incredibly tough year for organic food businesses, ourselves included, as we were forced to deal with a dramatic fall in customer numbers due to the cost of living crisis, alongside rising costs.

When we put out a call for help in the summer it was picked up by more people than we could have imagined. More than 60 volunteers handed out over 7,000 flyers. Over 30 promoted us at local events. And we were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we received from customers, friends and supporters of all kinds. 

We’re not out of the woods yet but those efforts made a huge difference and have allowed us to keep welcoming people onto the land and supporting a way of farming that is better for the health of people, wildlife and the climate.

In the last financial year, over 1000 people visited The Farm and, in partnership with WECA, Quartet and the Network for Social Change, alongside our community partners, we have been able to reach even more groups of people including refugees and asylum seekers, local school children, people suffering with mental ill health, adults and children from visible ethnic minorities, and isolated adults.

We’ve also planted over 200 native trees and continued to manage the land for the benefit of wildlife, including (to name a few of our recent visitors) endangered dormice, a stoat and tawny owls!

All whilst providing fresh, nutritious and organic food to over 600 people on average each week and supporting over 40 other producers in the South West.

Without you, our supporters, none of that would be possible. If you believe in what we are doing, please continue to support us in whatever way you can. Buy your Christmas veg box from us, add a few extra items to your order, make a regular donation. And shout about us to your friends, your referrals have always been our biggest source of new customers!

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Do we deliver to you?

We deliver to Bristol, Bath, Chew Valley, Weston-Super-Mare, Frome and plenty of places in-between!