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Fairtrade win for The Community Farm

Fairtrade win for The Community Farm

The ethical efforts of The Community Farm have been recognised by the prestigious Fairtrade Foundation.

The organic champions, based in Chew Magna, achieved silver status at the South West Fairtrade Business Awards, held in Bristol. It’s the third year running The Farm has received the accolade.

Not only does The Community Farm stock Fairtrade products including bananas, chocolate spread and flapjacks for its customers, it also uses Fairtrade behind the scenes too, in the staff teas and coffees or in the fabric used to make its uniforms and tablecloths. The Farm supports Fairtrade and its principles at events like the monthly Backwell Fairtrade Cafe and in their customer communications.

Owned by 500 shareholder members, The Farm prides itself in paying farmers - both local and overseas - a fair price for their produce, supporting environmentally-friendly farming practices, and educating the public about ethical agriculture. Profits from the products sold through their fruit and veg box deliveries, their Bath-based Farm Shop and Southmead Hospital market stall, help fund learning and community activities at The Farm.

Ped Asgarian, Managing Director at The Farm, said:

“We’re delighted to be recognised in the South West Fairtrade Business Awards. The wellbeing of the farmers we work with is one of our core ethics. We continually support our suppliers, both locally and overseas, challenging the supermarket pressure that’s driving profits for growers in to the ground.

“We always aim to pay above the market price for the great produce they grow. Not only is this great for them, it’s great news for our customers too. Supporting our suppliers means we have a constant supply of the best possible produce.”

Danni Rochman, Project Coordinator of Bristol Fairtrade, said:

"The Community Farm is a great example of where Fairtrade meets local - they recognise that where products can't be sourced from their own fields and those of nearby farmers, Fairtrade in combination with organic is the best way to stay true to their values.

“The Farm was awarded a Silver South West Fairtrade Business Award not just in recognition of their excellent ethical sourcing policies, but also their continued efforts to raise awareness about Fairtrade amongst their customers and the attention to detail that is evident throughout their business, such as using Fairtrade cotton aprons."

The South West Fairtrade Business Awards celebrate the efforts of ethically-focussed organisations from across the region. The ceremony is the highlight of Fairtrade Fortnight – a national campaign lead by the Fairtrade Foundation. Fairtrade is a global organisation working to secure a better deal for farmers and workers. It works directly with businesses, consumers and campaigners to make sure everyone gets a safe and fair deal for a day’s work.

For more information about The Farm, volunteering or our veg box delivery scheme please visit, email or call 01225 913 097.

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